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An Ultimate Guide To CNC Turning Machines

CNC lathe machine or a CNC lathe kit are among the oldest turning machines used for production.  You’ll be amazed to know that ancient Egyptians too used lathes driven by bow back in 1300 BCE.  With technological advancements over the centuries, the techniques of lathe machining have advanced too, and that’s exactly why we now have best in class CNC turning machines .  If you are a machining workshop owner, you can take advantage of CNC turning machines too and increase your production quality and volume.  However, using a CNC turning machine can be a task for beginners. The reason why we have compiled for you a comprehensive guide to CNC turning machines, so let’s have a look.  #1. What exactly is CNC turning?  The production process using CNC turning involves a fixed cutting tool that feeds into a metal bar within the revolving chuck. It eventually removes the material and provides size and shape to the component.  #2. Which materials are supported by CNC turning machines? A CNC tu

10 Beginner Tips For Using A CNC Milling Machine

You might be excited about working with your brand-new CNC milling machine , and rightly so. After all, CNC machining lets you create just about anything, be it wall art, clock parts, or custom signs.  But here’s a catch.  You see, beginning with CNC milling can be really complicated in the first place, since you have limited knowledge and these machines are highly sophisticated.  So your projects can take a back seat as a result of your lack of proficiency in CNC. And that’s the last thing you want after investing so dearly in a CNC milling machine, right?  That’s why we have compiled the best tips that you can use to make the most out of your benchtop CNC mill , so let’s have a look. #1. Get some high quality cutters for your CNC machine Cutters are vital components in CNC machining , as the quality of your work, especially the cuts you make, hinges on them.  With low quality cutters not only does your work get affected, but also there’s always a chance that the cutters may break or

8 Things To Consider Before Buying A CNC Lathe Machine

Are you a workshop owner? If yes, a CNC lathe machine will surely increase your operations manifold. That’s because the speed and accuracy that CNC machining offers just can’t be matched by their manual counterparts.  Further, you get more control over the workpiece, and that’s something you don’t get in a regular engine lathe.  But, in order to get the right CNC lathe conversion kit, you’ve got to consider a few things first. The reason why we have compiled here everything that you need to know before buying your brand new CNC lathe machine. So let’s dive in. #1. Decide on the size of your CNC lathe machine Before you buy a CNC lathe machine the first thing you should consider is the machine size. The one you get should be large enough for the workpieces to fit in.  #2. Ensure that your workshop can handle the machine  Your CNC lathe machine can be too huge and might even weigh thousands of pounds. You should, thus, ensure that the CNC turning machine can fit in your workshop spac

How to Buy Your First CNC Machine?

  Are you looking to buy a new CNC machine? Then you are at the right place.  In this blog, we will discuss the most important factors that will help you choose the right CNC machine for your needs.  But before we get into it, let us recommend you CNC conversion . It is a process that can help you transform your old machine into a computer-operated machine. It is an affordable way to get your hands on CNC machining.  If you have tried CNC conversion and now looking for a full-fledged CNC machine, here’s what you should know: The Factors You Need to Consider The Nature of Your Projects Firstly, you have to consider the nature of your projects. What kind of materials will you be working on? How many hours are you looking to give to machining? What kind of output do you expect.  When you have answer to all these questions, your choice of CNC machines will narrow down. It will help you outline the features and characteristics you need in your machine.  Understand the SWaP of your Space SW

How to Buy Your First CNC Machine?

  Looking to buy your first CNC machine ? There are a few things that you must know before you make an investment. CNC machines are complicated and get quite overwhelming for a newbie. Therefore, you must do your research and prepare a list of the things that will influence your choice of CNC machine. In this blog we will be discussing some of those essential factors.  But before we get into it, we will advice you start with converting your machine into CNC instead of buying a full-fledge CNC machine.  However, if you have made your mind, here are some of the essential factors that you need to consider: The Factors You Need to Consider The Nature of Your Projects First things first, you have to understand what kind of projects you will be handling with your new CNC machine. Do you need a new machine for milling , drilling, or grinding? What type of materials will you be working on? And what is the kind of production output you are looking to attain?  These questions will help you narro

6 Best CNC Control Packages in 2022

  Are you in the market for CNC control packages ? Well, you are in the right place.  We have compiled a list of 6 best CNC control packages in 2022 based on efficiency, performance, and versatility.  But before we get into it, let’s first better understand CNC control packages; what they are and how they function so you can make the right decision while buying one.  What are CNC Control Packages? CNC control packages are the brains of your CNC machine . Just as our brain sends and receives signals for us act in certain ways, CNC controllers command the machines to move in certain directions.  CNC controllers use G-code to interpret and transmit the information that is fed to the computer. If you break down a CNC controller, you will come across two essential parts: the physical board itself and the software it runs.  You will find that different CNC controllers come with different software. Typically, manufacturers ship CNC controllers with proprietary software. A few CNC control pa

What is the difference between a 3-axis, 4-axis, and 5-axis CNC Machine?

  CNC machines are one of the fastest evolving technologies of our time. What started as a simple cutting and drilling tool has evolved to become a quintessential part of the production industry.  One of the biggest innovations in CNC machining has to be the inclusion of additional axes movement.  Today, there are CNC machines that can operate on 4-axis, 5-axis, to 12-axis.  But what’s the difference between these CNC machines and what advantages do they offer over each other? Let’s take a look: 3-axis CNC machines In 3-axis CNC machines, the workpiece remains stagnant in one place while the cutting tools move around in 3-axis. These machines are suitable for projects that don't require a lot of detail or depth.  While 3-axis CNC machines are capable of performing most machining tasks, they can’t machine angled features and other angular products.  4-axis CNC machines 4-axis CNC machines operate on the same principle as 3-axis CNC machines . However, they also operate on an additio