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10 Beginner Tips For Using A CNC Milling Machine

You might be excited about working with your brand-new CNC milling machine, and rightly so. After all, CNC machining lets you create just about anything, be it wall art, clock parts, or custom signs. 

But here’s a catch. 

You see, beginning with CNC milling can be really complicated in the first place, since you have limited knowledge and these machines are highly sophisticated. 

So your projects can take a back seat as a result of your lack of proficiency in CNC. And that’s the last thing you want after investing so dearly in a CNC milling machine, right? 

That’s why we have compiled the best tips that you can use to make the most out of your benchtop CNC mill, so let’s have a look.

#1. Get some high quality cutters for your CNC machine

Cutters are vital components in CNC machining, as the quality of your work, especially the cuts you make, hinges on them. 

With low quality cutters not only does your work get affected, but also there’s always a chance that the cutters may break or get worn out prematurely. 

So you should always get some high performance cutters for your CNC milling machine. 

#2. Always purchase better built vise, clamping kit, and parallels set

A vise is something that holds your workpiece firmly in its place while you’re milling it. And that’s exactly why your vise should be of good quality, as low-end vises need to be changed frequently which hampers your production. 

Coming to the clamping kit, it holds the vises, which means it also should be better built. 

And finally, we have parallels set among the important CNC machine tools, which keeps your workpiece raised evenly or parallel to the spindle. 

#3. Go for a misting setup that prevents chip build up

The misting system that you use for your coolant should be able to prevent chip build up. 

You can do so by going for a micro-drop misting system, as it vaporizes the coolant the moment it hits your tool. 

#4. You need a speed calculator for greater accuracy 

Accuracy is the key when using a CNC milling machine. 

By installing a speeds and feeds calculator you can ensure that from the very first moment your spindle speed and feed rates are accurate. 

#5. You should get familiar with Manual Data Input (MDI)

Manual Data Input makes your CNC milling machine operations a lot easier by saving you time and increasing your productivity levels. And the best part is that you can effortlessly learn how to use MDI.

Interesting, isn’t it?

#6. For accurate cuts tram your CNC machine 

A tram is the squaring of your CNC machine from head to table. 

You can either have CNC conversion or a brand new milling machine, but tramming is essential in both as it ensures accurate cuts and precise finishing. 

#7. Equip your CNC milling machine with a touch tool measuring device and edge finder 

A touch tool measuring device tells the CNC machine what exactly is the length of your tool. Also, it lets you know where the tip is on the Z axis.

An edge finder, on the other hand, sets the X and Y axis in the right position. 

#8. As a beginner you should keep away from stainless steel 

You see, stainless steel is a hard metal, and as a beginner with little expertise in using a CNC milling machine you might well break your cutters. 

So you should begin with softer metals like aluminum and brass, and hone your milling skills on them first. 

#9. Step up your game with CAD/CAM

Once you’ve become proficient in the basics of CNC milling, you can start learning and using g-codes using CAD/CAM. This will scale up your production and take precision to a whole new level. 

#10. You can also go for conversational CNC 

A conversational CNC is a much easier alternative to CAD/CAM. It asks you simple questions, creates a g-code, and aids your manufacturing. 

Sounds awesome, doesn’t it? 


CNC machining can be difficult for a newbie, the reason why we have sought to clear all your doubts. We hope you’ll find these tips handy while using your CNC milling machine and create some awesome stuff. 


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