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Showing posts with the label CNC conversion kits Grizzly G9972 lathe conversion kit

3 Reasons Why You Need To Buy A Grizzly G9972Z Mini Lathe CNC Conversion Kit

If you own a lathe machine shop, a CNC conversion might be on your mind, and rightly so. After all, what can beat the high precision that a lathe CNC kit offers.  You see, a brand new CNC machine is undoubtedly cost-intensive. You don’t want to break your bank to have CNC machining ability, do you?  Thankfully, for the small lathe workshops, we have a low-cost yet effective solution in the form of Grizzly G9972Z mini lathe CNC conversion kit .  Here are some reasons why you should consider getting one such lathe CNC conversion kit:  #1. Grizzly G9972Z is a cost-efficient mini lathe CNC conversion kit  A mini lathe CNC conversion kit, or even a mill CNC conversion kit for that matter, need not be an expensive affair. And that’s where a Grizzly G9972Z mini lathe CNC conversion kit comes into the picture.  While a mini CNC conversion kit, on average, can cost you as much as $1000, this mini lathe CNC conversion kit is readily available for less than $800.  #2. It's a DIY CNC lathe ki