As you might be aware, the CNC conversion kits are the best way to upgrade your manual machines and reap the benefits of automation. As a manual machine shop owner, the most critical challenge you might face is speed and accuracy since manual machines have their limits. So the best way out is to switch to CNC machines with the help of CNC conversion kits. You see, even as a brand new CNC machine is a good way to achieve precision machining, these machines are too expensive and can even cost an upward of $100,000. You don’t want to break your bank while transitioning to CNC. Do you? So the best way out for switching to CNC machining on a budget can be through CNC conversion kits . However, choosing an ideal CNC machine for your workshop can be a challenge, the reason why we’ve compiled the best CNC conversion kits you will find on the market. So let’s have a look. #1. Grizzly G0704 benchtop mill conversion kit If you are looking for CNC conversion ...